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Gridd Power Component Set

Gridd® makes your job easier.

Component Set Overview

The Gridd Power Raised Floor System may be what your company needs to be more efficient. Read the component set overview for details on the raised floor system. First, this system allows you to quickly install and distribute energy without traditional hardwiring methods. Second, components are already preconfigured. So, the installation and reconfiguration moves along the track in seconds. It’s that easy.

Also, each track delivers up to 18 kilowatts of power at an efficiency rate.  Therefore, it is more efficient than copper. Even better, the tracks experience less drop in voltage by using 30% less copper than traditional wiring.  Lastly, this system is completely recyclable, movable and reusable.  So, contact us with questions regarding the component set overview and the Gridd Power Raised Floor System.  Connect with one of our professional engineers at anytime or schedule a call today!

Gridd Power Raised Floor Feed Module

Feed Module

Gridd Power Access Floor Power Track


Gridd Power Raised Flooring Interlink


Gridd Power Low Profile Raised Floor Power and Data Enclosure

Power & Data Enclosure

Gridd Power Low Profile Access Floorbox

General Purpose Floorbox

Gridd Power Low Profile Access Floor Furniture Interphase

Furniture Interphase

Gridd Power Low Profile Raised Floor Desk Mount

Desk Mount

Gridd Power in Action

Gridd Power Raised Flooring System
Gridd Power Access Floor Feed Module

Feed Module

Gridd Power Raised Floor Power Track


Gridd Power Access Flooring Inerlink


Gridd Power Low Profile Access Floor Power and Data Enclosure

Power & Data Enclosure

Gridd Power Low Profile Raised Floor Powerbox

General Purpose Floorbox

Gridd Power Low Profile Raised Flooring Furniture Interphase

Furniture Interphase

Gridd Power Low Profile Access Flooring Desk Mount

Desk Mount

See what The Gridd® Systemcan do for you.
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