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Gridd Access Floors Enable “Open” for Business

Tech companies do it. Advertising agencies do it. Even investment companies and pharmaceuticals do it. More and more companies are choosing an open space concept for their corporate environments. FreeAxez is watching this trend firsthand because we’re making open plan offices possible with our adaptive cabling distribution system – Gridd® – the low profile access floor solution to integrating great design with technology demands.


But why are so many corporations choosing to give up walls and privacy? The answer is collaboration, transparency and connectivity. When workers share office space they share ideas and information that help their co-workers and their organization succeed. When management is out in the open, they can better interact with employees, inspire them and guide them.


There are plenty of tangible reasons why the trend is catching on as well. First, an open plan uses less space per employee. And with more companies using consultants and part-time workers, there’s less need for dedicated “office” space. Technology has also enabled workers to be less tethered to a desk or their hard copy files.


But technology does require cable management and that’s where we fit in. Our Gridd system is the innovative answer to traditional raised access flooring methods. Gridd keeps the cabling out of sight, allowing a open space to be truly open. Our Gridd Power system, a plug-and-play electrical bus track system, allows devices to easily connect to power anywhere in the open floor plan. Bottom line? The walls are coming down and the 9 to 5 office space just got a whole lot more interesting.

See what The Gridd® Systemcan do for you.
Why Gridd